Flat Brush Usage and Techniques

Paint with Alina-Free Painting Course 2023

Have you ever wondered how those beautiful acrylic paintings are made, and thought you could never make it ? Are you a complete beginner, and have never even held a brush ?

What if I told you that you could make a very beautiful acrylic painting on your own, just by watching my Free Painting Video Lessons-amazing right ?

Paint with Alina is a FREE acrylic painting course for beginners that is specifically designed for beginners, to teach them acrylic painting basics and turn them into a professional painter.

While everyone has their own unique art style, it is the basic technique that is required for everyone to paint out their creativity. Mastering different brush strokes, and painting will take time, but it is not impossible.

  • Designed for beginner level to mid level
  • Pre-recorded lectures on YouTube that can be watched according to your own pace.
  • The lessons are highly detailed and demonstrative.
  • The video lessons are recorded in Urdu language for easy understanding.
  • The courses teach the basics  like brush strokes, color theory, composition, painting techniques etc.
  • Calligraphy is NOT included i this free course.

An exclusive Facebook Group is made for members who sign up where I share detailed PDFS, handouts and check homework. All the video links are also attached in the group.

Sounds interesting right. The best thing, it is FREE! SO what are you waiting for ? Sign up NOW!